Make the most of your Satcat data
Time converter
UTC/ISO 8601 | 2024-09-01T01:03:14.219Z |
TAI (+37s UTC) | 2024-09-01T01:03:51.219 |
GPS (+18s UTC) | 2024-09-01T01:03:32.219 |
Local | 9/1/2024, 1:03:14 AM |
Greenwich Sidereal Time | 23:46:00 |
Local Sidereal Time | 16:45:32 |
Day of year | 245 |
GPS Week | 2,330 |
TLE comprehension assistant
Parsed TLE
Line 1 Elements
Line 2 Elements
TLE Values
TLE epoch | 2024-05-16T04:53:14.000Z |
d/dt mean motion | 0.00020937 |
d²/dt² mean motion | 0 |
BSTAR | 0.00035601 |
Orbit inclination | 0.90125 rad 51.6377° |
RAAN | 1.98832 rad 113.9222° |
Eccentricity | 0.000331 |
Arg. of perigee | 3.02513 rad 173.3272° |
Mean anomaly | 0.00073 rad 0.0417° |
Mean motion | 0.0677 rad/min 3.878 deg/min |
Orbital period | 92.8307 mins/orbit |
Rev. num. at epoch | 45358 |
NOAA APT Converter
Accepts 11025 KHz .wav files